
Buescher trumpet serial number make year
Buescher trumpet serial number make year

I don't see a copyright date in the other. That catalog has a copyright date of '59 at the front. But in the other '59 catalog with the new Buescher script - the full catalog, not the price pamphlet - Elkhart is dropped and the S-33 etc. It's using the old-style Buescher script, and includes the Elkhart line. The last one before the '60 catalog seems off I think it's from earlier. Incidentally, I was looking at the Buescher literature up on the site there are three that are supposed to be from '59.

buescher trumpet serial number make year

Whether the Elkhart trumpet was based on older Buescher tooling, I don't know.

buescher trumpet serial number make year

They did similar things with the brass for instance the Elkhart 36B trumpet became the T-36B Aristocrat trumpet. Click to expand.I knew the Bundy I alto was supposed to be based on the TT body tube do you know if that holds true with the Bundy I tenors?

Buescher trumpet serial number make year